Corporate Business Center & Cie departments:
Industrial and Commercial Examination, Business Investigation and Forensic Accounting, Civil and Private Enquiries, Security and Protection Services…

Industrial and Commercial Examination
Fighting occupational fraud and abuse

  • Examining occupational fraud and abuse
  • Fraudulent use of information, documentation and technology
  • Clientele and Inventory misuse and misappropriation
  • Larceny, fraud and skimming
  • Combating unfair competition, forgery and pirating
  • Uncovering the facts and proof necessary for taking action
  • Verifying real or fraudulent claims
  • Uncovering fraud and abuse / Finding the authors of fraud schemes
  • Search and discovery of fraudulent disbursements
  • Preparation for establishment of reports
  • Assistance and protection in any suit or referral

Forensic Accounting and Business Investigation
Combating financial fraud and abuse

  • Asset research and audit
  • International asset examination
  • Liabilities discovery
  • Investigating and uncovering fraudulent, organised or aggravated insolvency and conveyance
  • Complete and detailed solvency examination
  • Debtors’ credit history
  • Asset base research and audit
  • Consultancy, valuation and appraisal of any asset
  • Bank account enquiries
  • Commercial and professional intelligence
  • Case preparation for court or other legal action

Civil and Private Investigations
Collecting proof and testimonies, protecting your interests

  • Looking at the facts behind the business
  • Timetable verification and monitoring
  • Conflicts of interest and collusion
  • Fact finding and proof collection for court or other legal action
  • Research and verification of testimonies
  • Searching for and investigating people and assets
  • Inquiries into larceny, schemes, threats and harassment
  • Preparation for establishment of reports

Quotes and Contracts
The assurance of an efficient partner

A three-phase approach to any affair taken on by Corporate Business Center & Cie guarantees smooth and efficient operation. Contributing to establishing transparent and high-performance professional relations between Corporate Business Center & Cie and its partners, the phases are: contactquote and contract.

The first contact serves to establish the general profile of services requested, in terms of the different aspects communicated by the client. This profile allows us to evaluate what approach and resources a case needs, and draw up a bespoke proposal, which is then submitted to the client through the quote.

In fact, Corporate Business Center & Cie draws up a quote before any action is taken. This quote serves as benchmark for the quality of the relations established with our partners and clients and allows, on the one hand, a determination of the resources Corporate Business Center & Cie allocates to a case and, on the other, that the client has a no-surprises knowledge of the financial aspects in calling on Corporate Business Center & Cie’s services.

Our flat-rate quotes generally take into account all fees charged by Corporate Business Center & Cie, the different outside personnel, assignment and travel expenses, fringe expenses, evidentiary and documentary expenses, analyses, expert’s reports, photography, technological resources…

Reports and Results of Investigations Procedure

In handling an examination or investigation, our aim is targeted to the end result of the assignment entrusted to us, and on the different resources to be implemented to get that result.
Everything that comes to light during an investigation or a study: facts and testimonies collected, reports, and other investigation results, are filed in the final report.
This report is drawn up for use in legal and court proceedings.
The file contains all the official deeds, documents, photographs, expert’s findings, analyses, reports… that allow a state of affairs, a scheme, or a hard fact to be uncovered.
At assignment end our reports, as well as the different file enclosures, are handed directly to the client, or to his legal services if that is preferred.

General conditions
General terms of Corporate Business Center & Cie service provision

Disclosure of information is necessary for opening and handling any matter.
General information concerning the nature of the affair is necessary to establish the case profile and draw up a quote. This information is communicated when the client first contacts Corporate Business Center & Cie.
In particular this information concerns the identity of the client and his capacity to act, the background of the events in question (situation, history, persons involved), as well as the aims and objectives sought. Detailed information concerning the assignment is necessary for assignment launch and successful conclusion.
When referring to detailed contents, this could be any information, document or evidence, etc. related to the case. These must be disclosed at the start of the assignment, and can be sent by fax, courier or electronic mail.
Any information received by Corporate Business Center & Cie is privileged, and Corporate Business Center & Cie guarantees its partners the highest degree of confidentiality as to information and documents disclosed.
Corporate Business Center & Cie can refuse to act in situations that appear to involve illicit or illegal activities (or whose objectives appear dishonest). Similarly Corporate Business Center & Cie is under an obligation to ensure that a principal has full capacity to act, in accordance with legislation as to the validity of agency contracts.

Conditions of payment: Generally, Corporate Business Center & Cie allows fee payment in two instalments, one at the beginning and one at the end of the assignment. However, under certain circumstances payment of all fees will be required at assignment start.

  • We specialize in setting-up and administering compagnies

    Please, do not hesitate to contact us to receive more details.